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The Impact of NDIS in 2024: Feedback from the frontline and how to prepare for 2025 - Webinar Replay
2024 is drawing to a close and NDIS participants, their families and service providers are left with open questions, concerns and some trepidation as to what their future could hold. Join us as we speak with Jane Kittel, CEO of My Plan Manager Group, for her insights on the year that was.
Jane shares real human stories from the frontline, reflections on the changes and events of 2024, and a perspective of what 2025 might hold.
Unlock Job Skills & Opportunities with NDIS Support - Webinar Replay
Are you curious about how your NDIS plan or Disability Employment Services can support your employment journey? Whether you’re re-entering the workforce, job hunting for the first time, transitioning from school, or exploring volunteering, this empowering session is for you!

How to use your NDIS plan to keep moving and stay active.
Our expert panelists include an exercise scientist and an osteopath working in multidisciplinary allied health organisations. Watch the webinar to get tips on getting moving and keeping active.
Empowered & Protected: Fraud, Scams, and Cyber Safety for NDIS Participants - Webinar Replay
This webinar aims to empower NDIS participants and their families with the knowledge and tools to protect themselves and their NDIS funding from scams and fraudulent activities. We look at practical tips to safeguard yourself, understanding the latest scam tactics, and different avenues for support.

Red Flag Behaviours Every NDIS Participant Should Know
We've teamed up with My Plan Manager Group to highlight the red flag behaviours every NDIS participant should be aware of. By staying alert to these behaviours, you can make informed decisions, assert your rights, and navigate the NDIS landscape with confidence.

10 free types of evidence to boost your NDIS request
Getting the support you need from the NDIS often hinges on the evidence you provide. While reports from medical professionals are vital and hold significant weight, they can also be costly and time-consuming to get a hold of. Here’s 10 free ways to back up your NDIS application or request for additional support that don’t require you to pull out your wallet.

Support Calendar Snapshot: A Day In My Life Worksheet
This tool is designed to help you record your assistance needs over three days. Keep it handy and note down whenever you need support with something throughout your day, use extra sheets if you need more space. This will give the NDIS a clear snapshot of your daily support needs.

Make Your NDIS Evidence More Effective: 10 Tips for Big Impact
When it comes to your NDIS application or asking for more support in your plan, what matters most is the evidence you provide. In this article, we're going to share 10 factors to keep in mind that will make your NDIS evidence more effective. It's the evidence that really counts—it can either help you succeed or hold you back. That's why it's crucial to present your best case.

Informed Consent Worksheet
Many service providers require you to sign a consent form before they begin their service. These forms can sometimes be filled with confusing jargon, so this worksheet is here to simplify the process and help you consider the key points.

Scripting for Self-Advocacy
Advocating for yourself can be powerful. It means speaking up when you need to. This worksheet is here to help you have those important conversations. Sometimes, it's not easy, but with this tool, you can plan what to say and feel more confident.

Advocacy and Self Advocacy through your NDIS Journey
At some point or another on our NDIS journey we may require the support of advocacy services but most definitely, we will find ourselves in situations where self-advocacy is absolutely necessary.
Join us as we discuss advocacy and self-advocacy with Caroline Santangelo, Operations Manager from Self Advocacy Sydney.

Supported Decision Making Agreement
If you need to make a decision - big or small - this worksheet can help you understand how you would like to be supported. Think about your needs, preferences, and challenges, and make sure your choices reflect your values and goals.

Circle of Support
This is a visual guide to your trusted allies and the resources available to you. Fill it out with care and turn to it when you need support.

‘Tis the season for celebration, good cheer and overwhelm: some ideas on making Christmas magical for everyone.
We wanted to share some tools, tips, and tricks to help every member of our community navigate this festive season. Hopefully, they help us focus on what really matters: having fun with family and friends.

Elevating Learning with Assistive Technology for School-aged Children - Webinar replay
The aim of this webinar is to further inform parents, carers and those invested in the education sector on how AT can be accessed and implemented as a practical tool to help your kids navigate life and learning.

Decision Making Checklist
When making a decision that affects your life, it’s important to be mindful about the options and look at the big picture. This worksheet will guide you through the process of making informed choices that best align with your needs and wants, and empower you to actively engage in decision-making.

Connecting Worlds: How Augmented Reality is Revolutionising Assistive Technology
For many in our community, accessing information or navigating daily life can be challenging. That’s where AR might be able to help. With Augmented Reality becoming more common, we're excited about new products that combine AR with the life-changing power of AT.

Assistive Technology to help with emotional or sensory overload
Assistive technology (AT) covers a wide range of products that help people live more independently and complete everyday tasks, from devices through to modified and adaptive eating utensils to shower chairs. However, most people do not realise that there is a large category of AT products that can be powerful tools for managing emotional and sensory overload.

Pain Bubble - pain management options
This is a visual guide of the pain management options that we have available both inside and outside of the NDIS when we extend our circle wider for greater support.

Understanding reasonable and necessary supports for effective pain management
Understanding what would be considered reasonable and necessary supports for effective pain management could be what stands between you and an increase in quality of life via your NDIS funding.

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