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Share first, ask… later: building strong NDIS referral networks by leading with service.
Share first and ask for referrals later. You can build strong NDIS referral networks by leading with service. Read further to get some inspiration on how to make impact and build trust, and referrals.

NDIS Impairment Notices: How They Affect You and What to Do
As part of the "Getting the NDIS Back on Track" Bill No. 1, released on October 3, 2024, impairment notices were introduced. So, what exactly is an impairment notice? It's a document given to NDIS participants that outlines the specific types of impairments they're receiving funding for. In this blog, we'll dive into what an impairment notice is, how it might affect you, and what you can do to prepare.

The five areas of business NDIS Providers cannot afford to ignore.
There are five elements of NDIS business that providers can’t ignore. But nail these elements and whatever changes come your way will be much more manageable.

Major NDIS Changes: What Participants and Providers Need to Know
In this article, we'll highlight some of the major NDIS changes from the past year. These are just a few updates, and be ready… there’s much more on the horizon. So whether you're a participant figuring out how these changes affect your plan, or a provider figuring out where your services now fit, understanding these updates is essential.

10 Ways to Keep Your NDIS Plan on Track Without a Support Coordinator
Lanny, one of our amazing community members, has put together a list of ideas to help us prepare for the potential loss of support coordination funding. This list is not just about preparing for future changes, it's also incredibly useful for anyone who currently doesn’t have support coordinator funding in their plan.

Navigating Job Hunt Bias: Essential Tips and Scripts for People with Disability
Bias can be a big hurdle for people with disabilities when looking for a job, and it can show up in many different ways throughout the job search (or even after you nab that role).
Facing bias can be challenging, but there are ways to handle it and advocate for yourself or your loved one. We’ve put together some strategies and scripts to help you at different points on your job search to both help identify and counter it.

Game On: How your NDIS plan can help you get active
We’ve compiled some of the different ways you might be able to use your plan to help you get involved in sports and recreational activities. Because the NDIS is there to bridge the gap, and support you to live the life that you want.

Your Safety Network: Fraud and Scam Reporting for NDIS Participants
Unfortunately, fraud, scams, and other dodgy behaviours are on the rise, especially those targeting NDIS participants. That’s why we’ve put together this guide just for you - to help expand your safety network.

Red Flag Behaviours Every NDIS Participant Should Know
We've teamed up with My Plan Manager Group to highlight the red flag behaviours every NDIS participant should be aware of. By staying alert to these behaviours, you can make informed decisions, assert your rights, and navigate the NDIS landscape with confidence.

10 Things to do when it hits the fan: working with challenging clients and feedback.
What do you do when your already hard job gets that much harder? Do you have processes and checklists to lean on in times of stress? Check out our process list for when things hit the fan.

10 free types of evidence to boost your NDIS request
Getting the support you need from the NDIS often hinges on the evidence you provide. While reports from medical professionals are vital and hold significant weight, they can also be costly and time-consuming to get a hold of. Here’s 10 free ways to back up your NDIS application or request for additional support that don’t require you to pull out your wallet.

Take a good look in the mirror: how client feedback can build trust, grow your business and make you compliant.
Do you actively seek feedback from your clients with the intent to learn from it - rather than be defensive and put out fires? How do you integrate feedback mechanisms into your daily work life?

Make Your NDIS Evidence More Effective: 10 Tips for Big Impact
When it comes to your NDIS application or asking for more support in your plan, what matters most is the evidence you provide. In this article, we're going to share 10 factors to keep in mind that will make your NDIS evidence more effective. It's the evidence that really counts—it can either help you succeed or hold you back. That's why it's crucial to present your best case.

Grow your NDIS business based on success
Do you understand what you already do well in your NDIS Business? Have you explored expanding your business from a place of success? There are so many other ways of measuring success, other than revenue, and here are some suggestions for how you can capitalise on them.

Two ways to grow your NDIS business and positively impact more participants
The NDIS is currently in the early stages of massive change. What won’t change once recommendations and guidelines have been implemented is that people living with disabilities will still require support services. Here are two ways you can approach growing your service-based business in the NDIS space.

Opening the door to NDIS home and living supports
When it comes to finding a home, there's a lot to think about: accessibility, support, safety – the list goes on. And what works for one person might not work for another, so it's essential to think about your (or your loved ones) individual needs and preferences before making any decisions.

The NDIS funding questions that give you power
To balance the power in NDIS planning and funding conversations, it’s so important to have an understanding of the NDIS rules. These questions will help you understand and communicate whether something should be funded.

How to “Future-proof” your NDIS business amid industry change
There is one constant about business in the NDIS industry: Change. Here are some business priorities to ensure that, whenever change occurs, you and your business are able to weather the storm.

NDIS Plan Change Glossary
When talking about NDIS plan changes, updates to the language used can make the process even more confusing. So to help, we’ve put together a glossary of the major terms relating to plan changes.

NDIS Service Providers: Why using expectations from the NDIS Code of Conduct is not a good marketing strategy for your business
While the principles of respect and dignity are essential components of quality care within the NDIS, service providers need to recognise they must go beyond these basics in their marketing efforts.

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